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The Xinjian Cultural Great Hall is reconstructed from the original villagers' activity room. It is divided into upper and lower floors, with an area of about 720 square meters. According to the theme characteristics of rural tourism and the needs of new rural construction and development, the exhibition is divided into net zero carbon Practice Exhibition Hall and Leadership Care Exhibition Hall.

The first floor is the first net zero carbon practice exhibition hall in Zhoushan, including the background introduction of net zero carbon village, the action path of net zero carbon village and the practice cases of net zero carbon village. The theme of leadership care exhibition hall on the second floor is "General Secretary Xi is in Zhoushan", showing the documentary content of General Secretary Xi Jinping's 14 trips to Zhoushan. It is not only a must visit scenic spot, but also the spiritual home of the villagers, and also an important place for groups from all walks of life to study and educate.

Welcome to the Net Zero Carbon Practice Exhibition Hall. Net zero carbon, also known as carbon neutralization, means to achieve net zero emission by balancing carbon dioxide emissions and removals. The vertical green wall in the lobby conveys the theme of green and low carbon to tourists; The dynamic process of birds singing and flowers blooming is added to the relatively static vegetation; The irrigation system of green wall uses photovoltaic power supply, and intelligently calculates the irrigation water consumption by monitoring humidity and other indicators; Energy saving and emission reduction of the exhibition hall can be realized through the natural light provided by the ceiling. The whole exhibition hall includes exhibition board exhibition area, intelligent interaction area, sand table model area and green riding area. Please visit from left to right.

In recent years, due to the continuous warming of the global climate, the amount of snow and ice has decreased, and the sea level has an upward trend, which are all caused by the large amount of greenhouse gases emitted by human production and life. Climate change poses a threat and challenge to human survival. In the past 100 years, the global average sea level has risen by 19 cm, and the extent of sea ice in the Arctic has continued to shrink at the rate of 1.07 million square kilometers per decade, which is equivalent to one-ninth of China's land area.

Against such a background, China promised at the G20 summit in Hangzhou in 2015 that carbon dioxide emissions would peak in 2030. At the 75th United Nations General Assembly in 2020, China renewed its commitment to strive to reach the peak by 2030, to achieve "carbon neutrality" by 2060. This determination of our government has been highly affirmed and appraised by the international community.

Zhoushan is a famous island city and is at the forefront of climate change. The "net zero carbon" rural construction and development in Dinghai District is very forward-looking. It will set an example for the whole province and other inland cities. At the same time, it provides a demonstrative Chinese solution for other island countries or cities to deal with climate change internationally.

In 2019, the United Nations put forward ten guidelines for net zero carbon construction, which are as follows: 1. Establish a climate and carbon emissions data inventory; 2. Concentrate development and construction around the mixed use nodes; 3. Heating and cooling; 4. Reduce embodied carbon emissions; 5. Renewable energy utilization; 6. Water circulation; 7. Solid waste; 8. Energy, water, food and waste recycling; 9. Make the village a place to attract employment and leisure; 10. Make the village a sustainable development education base.

According to these ten guidelines, Dinghai District has formulated nine action paths in line with its own characteristics and development goals and strive to achieve a net zero carbon level in ten administrative villages by 2030.


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